Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Down Day

We all have them, days we just want to fast forward through. Today is one of those days for me. I feel like I am stuck in a sort of limbo. I'm unable to exercise, unable to lift things (which I need to do a lot of things around the house), I'm exhausted all day and have a difficult time getting out of bed due to the medication and I'm suffering from severe cramps a couple of times throughout the day. I feel lazy. I feel like a bum and there is nothing I can do about it at this time. I still have another week before I can start being active again. I'm really looking forward to being able to play softball, go outside and run around with my dog and begin to get healthy by exercising. I guess I'm just in a rut for the last couple of days. I ordered my school books yesterday and now I'm beginning to get a bit nervous about going back to school. Because I quit working to attend classes I have no excuse to get anything but A's in all of my classes. I have no more distractions - I need to do well in school so I can make the Nursing Program on my first attempt in the Spring. I've also been spending a lot of time alone watching Law and Order: SVU. Probably not the best show to be watching. There are always characters with babies and individuals losing their babies or throwing them out. I'm also unable to watch a show that I became very fond of: One Born Every Minute. I find myself getting more depressed thinking about even watching the show. Hopefully I can get over that soon because it really is an informative show to watch. Again, this is me being impatient. I don't enjoy the waiting game and I'm not very good at it. I just want to figure out what the heck is wrong with my body and it will be a couple more weeks before I find anything out.

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